1 , Loose and cracked contacts
Contact points are electrical contact components used by relays to complete load switching. Some products rely on riveting and pressing to fit the contact points, which have the main drawbacks of loose contact points, cracked contact points, or excessive dimensional and positional deviations. This will affect the contact reliability of the relay. Liberatio puncti removionis causa est a malformatione partitionis comparationis inter fontem et contactum aut improper is adjustationis operatorum fluentis pressionis. Contact cracking is caused by excessive material hardness or pressure. For contacts made of different materials, different material processes should be used. Some contact materials with higher hardness should be annealed before contact manufacturing, riveting, or spot welding. Aedificatione contactorum adquiescere debet, sicut tolerantiae sunt in materia, sic longitudo singulorum blockationis post temptationem determinabitur. Contacto fabricatione non debet habere liberos angulos, perditionem inplexum, aut inplexum. Contact riveting deviation is caused by the operator not accurately touching the tool and causing mislignment when touching up and down. Contact damage and contamination are caused by unpolluted oil contamination and iron filings on the touch tool. Nequaquam de typo retributionis, reliabilitatem operationis relationis efficiet. Procedente, in fabricatione, fluentem, aut ferentem, oportet se regulas interinspectionis intermediarum parabolae et finem inspection is in primo parabolo inspectionis complicere ad optimum qualitatem ecclesiae.
2 , The relay parameters are not chaotic
Componentes electromagnetic relays per fluctum conparantur, et principium problema est fluctus liber aut pauper bonding fortitudo. This problem can cause the parameters of the relay to be unstable, with large changes in parameters at high and low temperatures, and poor resistance to mechanical vibration and impact. Prima causa hoc problemae sunt quia fluminae partes supersunt tolerantiam, partes incorrectas positae sunt, qualitate instrumenti inconsistent, aut installation incorrecta est. Propter hoc, antequam fluctum, necesse est prudente inspicere utrum condiciones et fluminae partes conformentur ad necessitatem.
3,Deformation of electromagnetic system riveting components
Postquam fluctus crescere, crescere, et nigra partibus potest causare difficultatem in ecclesia aut adjustationem sequentis procedentis, et etiam inducere ad ripam. Prima causa ad hoc problemam est quia fluminae multa longa aut multa breviae sunt, aut fortitudo usque ad fluctum est inequa, deviatio congregationis fixturae aut granditudo design incorrecta est, et partes incorrectas positae sunt. Cum fluctus fuerit, primum operator testabit granditudinem, apparentiam et fixturam componentium. Si fixtura non installatur in loco, effectabit qualitatem ecclesiae systemae electromagnetic aut deformationem cordis ferreae et crudelitatem pieri.
4,Glass insulator damage
Glassus insulators are made by sintering metal pins and glass. During inspection, assembly, adjustment, transportation, and cleaning, the pins may easily bend, causing the glass insulator to fall off or crack, resulting in air leakage and a decrease in insulation and voltage resistance. Rolling of the pins can also cause the contact spring to shift, affecting the reliable continuity of the product. This requires the operator of the assembly to handle the relay with care throughout the entire production process, and the components should be neatly arranged and placed in the transmission box. During assembly or adjustment, it is not allowed to pull or twist the lead pins.
5,Coil malfunction
Varia typa coils in relays utilizata sunt, includit illos cum et sine packacio exterior. Coils separati sunt et in equipamentis specialisatis in singulis partes positi sunt. Si collidunt et interconecti, cum separati sunt, fracta sunt. When riveting the electromagnetic system, the pressure adjustment of the hand press and the pressure machine should be moderate. If the pressure is too high, it will cause coil breakage or coil frame cracking, deformation, and winding breakdown. Nimis paululum pressure potest causare ventum et magnitudinem perditionem. Multi ventilae coils generalmente sunt wires diversorum coloribus. Cum benedicitur, attention ad distinguendum est, alioquin coilem incorrecte abundet. Coils with starting and ending requirements are generally marked with a marking method to indicate the starting and ending points. Attention should be paid during assembly and welding, otherwise it can cause reverse relay polarity.