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The main degradation factors of Dongguan high-voltage switchgear
(1) Thermal degradation. A causa incrementa temperaturae calefactionis, insulationis materiae anciens, ruber anciens, et increased resistentia kontactis occurrit. (2) Electrical degradation. Concentratio agrorum electricorum in materialibus insulationis diminuere potest insulationis. (3) Mechanical deterioration. Dama, deformatio, fractura, et vestimenta parterum, causam mechanicae stressis. (4) Environmental degradation. Staining, corrosion, moisture absorption, and lubricant deterioration and solidification caused by environmental factors. Usually, single factor degradation is relatively rare, and it is mostly a comprehensive factor degradation. Modi defectus causae a combinatione calefactionis et aliorum factoribus quasi sequentibus sunt: (1) Temperatura rise - insulation material's resistance decreases - dendritic discharge - flashover, short circuit. (2) Efecti pollutionis, pulvis, stressis mechanicali, et gases corrosivi reducunt insulationis abilitatem interior et superficie insulationis parterum, augmentum temperaturae, intensificatum effectum, et interiorem dissipationem parterum. (3) Increased contact resistance of contacts caused by poor environment, assembly, or operation - temperature rise - increased contact resistance - short arc - flashover, short circuit (4) Same as (3), causing welding of control equipment or switch electrical contacts - control failure, switch refusal to move. (5) Increase temperatura et mechanica, factores videntis etc. - decrease in mechanical strength of parts - equipment damage. (6) Temperatura rise - control wire insulation damage - breakdown, control failure. (7) Internal equipment temperature rise - equipment damage - stop working. Due to heating and other factors, Japan recommends the following years of use for various equipment inside high-voltage switchgear at normal ambient temperature: (1) High voltage circuit breaker: within 20 years or specified usage times (2) High voltage load switch: for indoor use, 15 years or 200 times for opening and closing load current; Typus exterior, 10 annos vel 200 times load current opening and closing. (3) High voltage isolation switch: manual, 20 years or 1000 cycles of opening and closing; Electricus, 20 annos aut 1000 cycles. (4) Lightning arrester: 15 years. (5) Transformer: 15 years. (6) Protection relay: 15 years (7) High voltage current limiting fuse: indoor for 15 years; Pro decem annos foris. (8) Electromagnetic contactor: 15 years or specified opening and closing times. (9) Capacitor: 15 years (10) Series reactor and discharge coil: 15 years. (11) High voltage decay transformer: 20 years