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The load capacity issue of Dongguan dry-type transformer
  Praeterito, semper credebatur temperaturam humiliam in vento mensuram, naturalis cum forte supercargo capacitate transformatoris, quod est incorrect a videntia. The overload capacity of dry-type transformers, also known as the overload capacity, is specified by standards and is a must-have, without any issues of strength or weakness. Temperatura mensura temperatura venturae sub conditionibus operationis rationalis indicare potest sive design transformator rational est. Temperatura sua beneficia et defectus habet. Avantia est quod temperatura operationis vera minima est quam temperatura referentiae, qui resultat in minima perditio carga et magna margine thermal is; Necessita est quia minima est utilización materiae, sublime ad materiales cum altis insulation is et temperatura resistentibus, quae difficile sunt functiones suos intendentes facere. Saturam modicum portantem fertilium est etiam ipsam problemam. Therefore, dry-type transformers with different insulation and heat resistance levels should have different load loss standards determined through optimized design, taking account of all aspects is reasonable. Like oil immersed transformers, any dry-type transformer should have the necessary ability to operate beyond the nameplate, which is commonly referred to as the ability to operate under load. And it should be executed according to the load guidelines for dry-type transformers. Guidlines stipulat quod operativam capacitatem transformatorum typorum sicorum trans nomeplatem contemplatum est a temperatura temperaturae temperaturae temperaturae vento et regnum sex graduum insulation is vitae reflexit. But dry-type transformers are generally used only as distribution transformers, unlike oil immersed transformers which have different considerations for power and distribution transformers. However, regardless of the requirements, under the operating conditions beyond the nameplate specified in Guideline 0, all electrical components should be able to withstand the corresponding overcurrent impact, and the dry-type transformer should not cause any electrical insulation faults when operating at the specified overcurrent multiples.